The Internet Chamber of Commerce lists over 100,000 American companies across a wide range of business categories, offering a unique opportunity to connect with and inform new customers.

The internet is the borderless new frontier, offering the chance for small business owners to compete on a level playing field with large enterprises and major corporations. In can often be necessary to find and make new partners in order to achieve your full potential, protect and promote your business interests and to ensure your prosperity.
With a large online directory of business made available to the public free of charge, the ICC can help companies find smart partnerships with businesses related to your own that can help you manage costs and have a healthier bottom line.

There has never been more competitive market than the Internet, and the opportunities to save both time and money by doing business online are growing every day.
With the whole world at your finger-tips, shopping for products, companies and services on the web offers huge savings to consumers and businesses alike. The good news for business is that with more suppliers, shipping companies and manufacturers competing in price, quality and efficiency, it's not just consumers making the savings.

Is your Business ready for the challenges of tomorrow, today? The internet is now over 5% of the U.S. Economy, forming a larger share of the nation's output than the Federal Government (4.3%), and continues to grow as more businesses work to harness its power.
The Internet Chamber of Commerce now lists over 100,000 American companies across a wide range of business categories. The best part is that these business listings are free of charge, offering a unique opportunity to connect with and inform new customers.